07-13-2014 03:01 AM
Dear Sir
I want to develop field oriented control of the induction motor. For that I have to apply Park Transform to convert three phase current that I measure using current (hall type) sensors. I have LabVIEW 2012 in which I have install Vision and Motion tool kit. But I could not find any vi which could perform Park Transform. I find this link
in which it is mentioned that LabVIEW Soft Motion tool kit has Park Transform vi. I downloaded Soft Motion tool kit but I could not install it. The following error (attached photo) occurs. Can you please guide me how I can perform Park Transform?
Kind Regards
Muhammad Irfan
07-13-2014 03:32 PM
From the Error Messages, it looks like you are trying to install a LabVIEW 2012 package into a LabVIEW 2013 installation. LabVIEW generally needs to have all of its modules and toolkits from the same major version, i.e. all 2012 or all 2013. With very rare exceptions, you cannot "mix and match".
07-13-2014 11:34 PM
Dear Sir
I have LabIEW 2012 and toolkit is also of 2012 version.
Kind Regards
Muhammad Irfan