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File Path Control bug - LV 2021


If I use the browse button to get a file, it works OK:


But If I drag the file from Explorer onto the control, I get this:


There's a trailing null in the file name.

This bug is present in LV 2021, but not in prior versions.

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Message 1 of 4

I believe to remember that they had some issue like that with drag and drop in one of these versions and that there was a bug fix release since, that should fix that? Did you try to upgrade to 2021SP1f2? Bug number 1759565:


Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 4

@rolfk wrote:

I believe to remember that they had some issue like that with drag and drop in one of these versions and that there was a bug fix release since, that should fix that? Did you try to upgrade to 2021SP1f2? Bug number 1759565:


Version as integer comes back as 21018000 hex.  Isn't that the latest version of LV 2021.

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Message 3 of 4

@paul_a_cardinale wrote:


Version as integer comes back as 21018000 hex.  Isn't that the latest version of LV 2021.

Definitely not f2! The 8 in there indicates that it is a release build. 4 is beta, 2 is alpha and less than 2 is internal test build guaranteed to crash as soon as you look at it. 😀


you can look in the about dialog for the exact version.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 4 of 4