11-23-2023 08:29 AM
How can i access file system of sbrio-9627 create a folder and perform file transfer on it?
11-23-2023 08:33 AM - edited 11-23-2023 08:33 AM
Hi linu,
use the remote control panel for your sbRIO to access its file system.
You can access it either from within MAX or by browsing your sbRIO with a Silverlight-capable browser… (The last time I had to do this I was using LV2017.)
11-23-2023 08:37 AM
Can please guide me through the steps or provide a reference to some knowledge base article?
11-23-2023 08:52 AM
11-23-2023 10:03 AM
Thank you for your help Gerd.
I tried using webDav and this is the error that i get.
I am guessing this is due to file access permissions. But I am not sure how i can change the permissions.
11-23-2023 11:25 AM
Why do you want to do that? LabVIEW Real-Time Targets (like the sbRIOs) may "look like" stand-alone PCs, but they are really designed to run as the Real-Time "partner" of a Host routine running on a PC. In this configuration, the "safe" place to store data files is on the PC, with the data transferred from the sbRIO to the PC over TCP/IP (I use Network Streams to manage this transfer for me). If you want to keep "parameters" as part of your program, i.e. a local "Data" folder where the sbRIO, while running, can read and write local files, that is easily accomplished by using the \Data folder that the Build creates for you as part of the Destinations category. If you look at the default Build Spec, you'll see that your .rtexe goes into /home/lvuser/natinst/bin, and Support Directory (which I think is there by default) shows up as /home/lvuser/natinst/bin/data. But how, you might ask, do you remember this? Answer -- you don't, you ask LabVIEW to create it for you!
Here's what you do:
Having said all this, I am not routinely doing File I/O on the RT side. I do, however, use this "trick" on the Host -- during development, when I run from within LabVIEW, my test data files go into the \Data folder within my Project. But when I build (and deploy) an Executable (.exe) on the Host, it goes in a \Data folder that is one level down from the folder where <My Routine>.exe is stored as part of the Build specification.
Bob Schor