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Flickering problem with live viewing with IMAQ Image Display

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Hi everyone,


I am trying to write a program to do live imaging with Andor camera. I am using some examples from Andor. The images are acquired in sequence and send into IMAQ Image Display and also Intensity Graph. There is minimal flickering issue in the Intensity Graph but there is very bad flickering problem in IMAQ Image Display. Perhaps I misunderstand how to optimize the vision tools. Does anyone know how to overcome this issue? I have attached the code that I am testing. Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Han Yen

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10
Accepted by topic author Han Yen

Hi Han,


You should try right-clicking the display and choosing "Snapshot". Does that help?Also, you have a while loop nested in a while loop, and within the inner most while loop I see you have a subVI that I do not have (GetMostRecentImage16) Depending on what is in this VI, this could slow things down - especially since the graph and display have to wait for the innermost while loop to finish executing before updating.


Can you remove the inner while loop?



National Instruments
Message 2 of 10

Thanks Michelle. I will give it a try to see if it works. Wondering is it advisable to use Vision Assistant to do live imaging?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

You can use Vision Assistant to test our vision functions. Vision Assistant is really meant to prototype - it does not have all teh functionality of Vision Development Module and is not as flexible as we don't allow you access to all the settings for every function.


I recommend starting in Vision Assistant and then porting over to LabVIEW or C (whatever you are most comfortable with)...this is built-in functionality. There is nothing wrong with using Vision Assistant to do live imaging, just that you run into limitations and you will only be able to use this code on computers that have Vision Assistant.


Hope this helps.




National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Dear Michelle,


Sorry, I just got a chance to try the camera yesterday. The setting it to 'snapshot' solve the flickering problem. Thanks a lot.


Kind regards,

Han Yen

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Yippee! Glad to hear it - good luck with the rest of your application!


National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

I am trying to use the getmostrecentimage16 function but this function always gives me a single numerical value 16 bit as output. how can we use it ? or how we can find a function that gives a table as output? can you help me?

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Message 7 of 10


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Hi Gary,


This thread hasn't been active for a long time. Please create a new request for your new question to have a better chance to get an answer.





0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Snapshot is not good option, it will slowdown the image grab speed. 

Should use "update immediate" option. 


// if image is Flickering Issue: 

Gige Camera =  check the Jumbo setting is enabled and set maximum: (verify the CPU processor board also)

USB Camera =  try to use Isolated PCI USB3 extension card.  (verify the CPU processor board also)

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Message 10 of 10