12-10-2018 07:18 PM
Hello. I need help developing a frequency meter for an AM / FM transmitter / receiver on an ELVIS II + based on LabVIEW.
The problem is that on HighFrequencywith2 Counters the frequency is not measured.
12-10-2018 08:49 PM
I have no idea of the hardware capability, but just make sure that the frequency you are trying to measure do not exceed the maximum frequency the system can measure.
12-11-2018 04:53 AM
Hello Larisa
I would reference you this Wireless Frequency meter These are industrial Grade Wireless Frequency Meter with the frequency range of 2 Hz to 10k Hz. It has 2 Mile Range with On-Board Antenna and 256 Sensor Node can be connected per Network. Even as per your requirement, It uses LABView application to monitor your values.