01-09-2006 04:43 AM
01-09-2006 04:50 AM
01-09-2006 05:01 AM
Thanks Vikas,
But this will be the constant for all the blinking LEDs and Texts, we want different for each condition, is it possible?
01-09-2006 05:18 AM
Hi Rujuta,
I don't think that it is possible.
01-09-2006 05:49 AM
Vikas is right - it is not possible, to define several blink intervals, texts, colors and so on.
The only thing you can do, is to code something on your own.
01-09-2006 05:50 AM
01-09-2006 08:10 AM
01-09-2006 10:00 AM
Paul, you should remember that this should not be only for booleans, as other controls can also be blinked.
Also, you should note that changing the value is only legitimate when the LED is used only for display. If it's a real variable, you need to work on its Colors[] property and write a polymorphic VI which will support this for other controls (using the BGColor property). Personally, I think it would be coolest if we wrote a VI that would dynamically call a VIT which would control this seperately. This way, the VIs could be integrated into the code just like regular property node. The problem with that is that there will be a need for some sort of repository for holding the references to which controls we already opened the link to. Also, we would need to check on changing values wired into the "property VI" (like Blinking, Speed and Color). That sounds like a nice project. Maybe when I have some time.
Obviously, the best solution is having the built in property node support this properly.
01-09-2006 10:49 AM
I know this was a simple example using LEDs as an indicator only, purely for demonstrating the GUI effect. A true blink would involve the modulating of the indicators colors, I didnt have the time to do this, you could take a reference to a gObject (downcast the reference) and modulate the background color. This would be a more generic approach.
01-09-2006 11:50 AM