02-24-2016 03:38 PM
Hi guys,
Have this weird problem with Fuzzy System Designer, it stopped working properly, it has broken arrow when I open it, does not allow me to add inputs/outputs, or rules. When I click to check what errors cause broken arrow, it shows no arrow. I tried to force it to recompile, pressing Ctrl+Shift and clicking on arrow, nothing changed. I have no idea what could have possibly happened to this VI and why it is not working. Can anyone explain this to me? Or send me a copy of that VI for 2015 LabView so i can try to replace it?
Best wishes,
02-25-2016 11:52 AM
Is this the Fuzzy System Designer you find from the Tools menu? That's showing up as a broken VI for you? After you click the broken run arrow, the arrow disappears instead of giving you the error list?
02-25-2016 12:20 PM
Please try to stay on the same thread and avoid creating duplicate posts.
02-26-2016 03:37 PM
Hi. It opens regular error list window that states no errors. After I close the window broken arrow still is here.