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Hello everyone,


I have found and used this Vis cointaining google maps application, that allows you to indicate different locations and give a Google Maps window indicating them.

Now. I'm not really familiar with this specific application.

I would like, indicating  2 locations, to have also the driving route between them. Is this possible?

If the 2 locations are saperated by ocean It's OK to have just a Line connecting the 2 points.


Would you be so kind to help me?


I attach the ZIP with the VI,

Thanks a lot


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Message 1 of 2

They told that I should look inside the "Get Map" SubVi and then inside the "HTTP Get" SubVi and change the command to add the route.

But I am very not familiar with that. 

Does Anibody have an idea?


Thanks a lot

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Message 2 of 2