04-29-2011 07:43 AM
Hey everyone.
I can remember a GOOP example which illustrated GOOP with the use of set theory. It had VI's for subset, complement, union, intersection etc...
Unfortunately I can not find it anymore. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can.
05-03-2011 04:42 AM
Dear Wouter,
Is it possible that you are searching the graphics exampole from the example finder (Graphics Example.vi) ?
Best regards,
05-03-2011 04:53 AM
No sorry it ain't it.
One thing I'm 99% sure of is that the icons header where yellow and looked a sort of like this.
09-15-2014 01:51 PM
I implemented one in GOOP (http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/LabView-set-theory-implementation/m-p/2992659/highlight/true#M857818... I think it has all the basics. Please let me know if it's like what you're after.