03-23-2007 02:12 PM
03-23-2007 04:07 PM
03-23-2007 10:22 PM
I was familiar with the sine, square, triangle, etc. but wanted to add another option - the bipolar one.
03-24-2007 10:14 AM
03-24-2007 12:05 PM
03-24-2007 01:09 PM
03-25-2007 02:17 PM
Thank you very much!!! That seems about right with just one or two changes. I'm guessing I should make some kind of control that goes to an if statement, ie. if someone selects sine, square, etc. it goes to the normal waveform generator, and if they choose bipolar, it goes to this part of the block diagram?
I will have to mess around and check.
03-26-2007 02:42 PM
03-26-2007 04:12 PM
Thanks Sima!
I did indeed do the case, although I am not elegantly handling task in/out for the bipolar case. I just smacked a DAQmx Control Task.vi onto the block diagram with a control for the action. Any advice on the appropriate way to handle this?
I also am having trouble syncing the output graph with the input graph (the input is hooked up to the output). I just want the same time axis without manually saying exactly what window of time I want. A different but related problem: at the end of this ordeal I will be copying this so that I have 4 outputs... any advice to make sure all the outputs are triggered the same?
Much thanks as always!
03-27-2007 09:33 AM