02-27-2014 11:34 AM
I don't think that it is possible, but I want your confirmation.
I'm currently working with the statechart module and I want to generate a statechart with a configuration file or other external way.
From my research, I think that it is only possible to send and receive data from LabVIEW, but I want to know for sure if there is a way to generate a .vi or a .lvsc without using the LabVIEW application.
02-27-2014 04:40 PM
I've managed to do this definition in Simulink, with this script:
rt = sfroot
m = rt.find('-isa','Simulink.BlockDiagram')
ch = m.find('-isa','Stateflow.Chart')
sA = Stateflow.State(ch);
sA.Name = 'A';
sA.Position = [50 50 310 200];
sA1 = Stateflow.State(ch);
sA1.Name = 'A1';
sA1.Position = [80 120 90 60];
sA2 = Stateflow.State(ch);
sA2.Name = 'A2';
sA2.Position = [240 120 90 60];
tA1A2 = Stateflow.Transition(ch);
tA1A2.Source = sA1;
tA1A2.Destination = sA2;
tA1A2.SourceOClock = 3;
tA1A2.DestinationOClock = 9;
tA1A2.LabelPosition = [180 140 0 0];
tA1A2.LabelString = 'E1';
pos = tA1A2.LabelPosition;
pos(1) = pos(1)+5;
tA1A2.LabelPosition = pos;
% Add a default transition to state A
dtA = Stateflow.Transition(ch);
dtA.Destination = sA;
dtA.DestinationOClock = 0;
xsource = sA.Position(1)+sA.Position(3)/2;
ysource = sA.Position(2)-30;
dtA.SourceEndPoint = [xsource ysource];
dtA.MidPoint = [xsource ysource+15];
% Add a default transition to state A1
dtA1 = Stateflow.Transition(ch);
dtA1.Destination = sA1;
dtA1.DestinationOClock = 0;
xsource = sA1.Position(1)+sA1.Position(3)/2;
ysource = sA1.Position(2)-30;
dtA1.SourceEndPoint = [xsource ysource];
dtA1.MidPoint = [xsource ysource+15];
sfsave(m.Name, 'myModel');
It's this behavior that I want to know if LabVIEW supports.
02-28-2014 04:07 AM - edited 02-28-2014 04:07 AM
I am not sure about the understanding of your issue.
You want to know if you can generate a .vi or a .lvsc without LabVIEW (but LabVIEW is installed on your computer).?
What is the purpose of your request? We may be able to find another way around your main need.
I am convinced that genrating or creating a .vi without LabVIEW is not possible. You can generate a VI with Vision assist or DAQ assist, but it will be specific with vision or a daq application.
I found a link but I am pretty sure it will not answer your question. You will find it below if necessary.
Dont' hesitate to answer with more information,
Matthieu RICORD
National Instruments France
Été de LabVIEW 2014
12 présentations en ligne, du 30 juin au 18 juillet