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Generation of DC signal with USB-6211

Hello everyone,


I need assistance with my LabVIEW code. I'm attempting to send a constant voltage signal to my Kollmorgen motor AKM33H-ACCN2-00 in order to run it continuously. I'm using the A/D board NI USB-62211, and I'm using A0 to generate the output. I'm using the 'Simulate signal' function from the palette, with an amplitude of 0.2, a timing of 1000 samples per second (Hz), and a number of samples of 1000.


On the front panel, I can see the signal that I'm generating and the signal that I'm acquiring. I can see what I want, but my motor doesn't run correctly with the DC signal. However, when I use a sine wave that switches between positive and negative amplitudes, I can see the motor following the sine wave. But when I provide only a positive or only a negative constant signal, my motor stops.


For the operational mode of the motor I can set from the software of kollmorgen DriveGUI and I put OPMODE: 'Analog Torque'. And on the servo drive while I send the signal with labview I get the message on the display 'E10' it means Enable, so basically in this way I am able to performe the analog signal that I send. 


What can I do?

I have attached my LabVIEW code for your reference.

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Your VIs are pretty simple, I doubt there's any problem there.  I would suspect maybe it's the kollmorgen settings.  Is there a mode on the kollmorgen DriveGUI for Analog Velocity?  You can try that.


Also, to double check if the motor can actually turn with a DC voltage signal, just use another DC voltage source to test.  Try a AA battery (1.5V) and see what happens.  Typically motors accept +-10V for voltage, if you're using 0.2V it might be too close to 0V.




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