01-28-2016 10:38 PM
My meter has 3 lines of data and to use Vision OCR, I want to select 3 ROIs using property node. I want the user to select ROIs from a sample image and then use the same in the later part of the code. Because of the data flow model of Labview, I'm unable to execute the ROI part first and then incorporate it into a part of the program. How do I control the flow of execution?
01-29-2016 01:10 AM
01-29-2016 01:24 AM
Thank You
01-29-2016 08:04 AM
Without seeing your code, it is difficult to make other than very vague suggestions (such as to use the Error Line to serialize some functions). There are examples shipping with LabVIEW that show selecting ROIs and then using them ...
Bob Schor