07-22-2021 05:59 AM
Hi Intern,
@InternlABVIEW wrote:
I was thinking of getting 8 data rows for 8 different channels which will runs with 8 specific command 😅.
Read the manual of your device!
When it only offers the WF8readall command then you need to use exactly that command.
When it offers a command to read specific channels then you should use that…
07-22-2021 07:16 AM
Yes I know that. But how do I arrange or which function do I use in labview to do that 8 rows or send specific command to do that 8 rows? I think, I can’t just use just 1 visa write function to write 8 different commands to 8 different row. And which function to use to make 8 rows and send 8 different commands continuously.
07-22-2021 07:20 AM
Hi Intern,
@InternlABVIEW wrote:
I think, I can’t just use just 1 visa write function to write 8 different commands to 8 different row. And which function to use to make 8 rows and send 8 different commands continuously.
Sure you can use just one VISAWrite to send different commands! Just use a loop to iterate over an array of commands!
Additionally your loop will also create an array of responses just by employing autoindexing!
This is very basic LabVIEW stuff: it seems you should take those "Training resources" offered at the top of the LabVIEW board!
07-22-2021 08:03 AM
Ok thanks. I will check and let’s see how does it go. I am currently stuck in sending ASCII to the device but the device is not responding. I tried send command using visa write. But no response from the device. Am I doing something wrong?
07-22-2021 08:45 AM
Hi Intern,
@InternlABVIEW wrote:
I am currently stuck in sending ASCII to the device but the device is not responding. I tried send command using visa write. But no response from the device. Am I doing something wrong?
The answer is "Probably yes!"…
As you didn't show your VI we cannot tell you, if and where you went wrong!
07-22-2021 10:08 AM
I am currently using this VI to check those command to device but no luck so far. It is one of the example from Labview.
07-22-2021 01:40 PM
07-22-2021 09:43 PM
I tried to send command in normal window and Hexa and \n. In the manual it’s says I have to send ASCII uncoded command into to string format.
07-24-2021 11:59 AM
Any modifications need to do in Visa Write to send command to device which need to be ASCII encoded command in string format to the device.
07-26-2021 03:43 AM
I am currently using USB-RS232 to get data from the instrument device. However all the data are coming as a
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH2,RTD,-1809.400
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH3,RTD,-1809.400
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH4,RTD,-1809.400
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH5,pH_,0.000
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH6,pH_,0.000
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH7,pH_,0.000
26/07/2021 2:43 PM CH8,pH_,0.000
How do I put those data according to the channel number every time in different rows. For example, 8 channel data in 8 different rows every time.
The code, I am currently using as follows.