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Get values from a cluster table and show them in a graph ?

Hi everybody,


I am working on a continuous acquisition and a process (circle detection).


As you can see, my circle detection works while acquisition works. The circle detection show 4 values : x & y positions, radius and score.


I want to extract x & y positions and show them in a graph which will finally show the values of every acquired image.


Could someone explain to me how to make it?


Thank you very much !






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 15

Is it possible for you to post the vi?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

Easiest would be to use the xy graph express VI. Configure it to not clear data between calls. Now simply unbundle the x and y scalars and wire them to the "build xy graph" express VI.


For more flexibility, just build the xy data up in a shift register containing a complex 1D array.


To get some ideas, have a look at the two examples I posted recently here.


(Of course get rid of the event structure and such)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

@ Hardik : I posted a screenshot of my VI above.


@ Altenbach : thank you. I'll try tomorrow in the early morning ! It seems to be the final step of my VI.

Thanks a lot ! I'll tell you what will happen.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15



I tried your solution, but didn't manage to show the values in the graph. Actually i'm in trouble with the cluster who comes out from the circle detection function. I tried many ways like desassembling the cluster and link it to the graph, but it doesn't work.


Could you please explain to me how to get x and y values for each circle detection and, in that way, get a continuous graph ?


Thank you very much !


P.-S. : Here is a screenshot from my VI at the moment.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

You have not posted a VI. you've posted an image which is impossible to debug. You've already been told to make sure the express xy graph is not set to reset between iterations. Did you do that?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15

I'm so sorry i made a screenshot w/o thinking of editing it...

It's my bad !

Here is the VI now : )

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

(You seem to have major confusion about data structures (clusters and arrays). Using "array to cluster" is very misguided, delete it!!!)


Apparently, we get an array of circles from the subVI (I don not have vision here), so all you need to do is iterate over them, extracting the coordinates. Autoindex the array of clusters, unbundle the coordinates by name, and autoindex again at the output tunnels and wire the resulting x and y arrays to the express VI (the "to dynamic data" bullets will insert automatically).


The xy graph should only retain data if you want to graph data from multiple runs, so change if needed.


You should also use a plot style that is more sutable (points instead of lines, for example).





Message 8 of 15

I'd like to thank you.

Actually i found your solution with some experimentations on the clusters functions while you were probably writing your com.

Thank you very much !


It's a great community, very helpful and useful

See You !



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15



I managed to run this new version of my VI, but there is still no values in table and graph.

Does it come from the fact that my ROI looks set to null?

Could anyone help me?

Thank you !

And, by the wayn sorry for my poor english : )



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Message 10 of 15