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Graficadora de ecuaciones necesito ayuda mi gráfica no sale como en la que me pidió el profesor eh visto varios métodos pero no me sale nececito ayuda

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All you probably need is an suitable linear x ramp and polynomial evaluation, and a plain waveform graph. No need for an xy graph. Have you looked at your course notes?

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First, highlight execution and look at the values you are sending to the 'Build XY Graph' Express VI. Do they make sense? Probe the wire going to the XY graph and assess the data. If that data is also empty, check error returned by 'Build XY Graph'. I suspect the Express VI is returning an error because your X array and your Y array are different sizes.


When you get past that, auto index your x and y values exiting the For Loop. Wire those X and Y arrays to the 'Build XY Graph' node and display after the For Loop has finished computing the polynomial values. You don't want to display just one data point on the graph (x,y); you want to display the accumulated data {[X], [Y]} where [ ] denotes an array and { } denotes a cluster.

Consider using this VI to evaluate your polynomial:


At least take a peak at the implementation in that subVI. It is clean and scalable.

When you post back, post your VI rather than just a screenshot.


NI Sound and Vibration
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