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Graph Annotation and Mouse Scroll - Unexpected Behavior

Found an unexpected behavior today: when you hover the mouse over the label of a graph annotation and then scroll the mouse wheel, subsequent mouse movements move the label with respect to the annotation anchor (e.g., as if you had clicked and dragged the annotation label.)


To reproduce, all it takes is a new Waveform Graph or XY graph on a new VI. Add an annotation, hover the mouse pointer over the annotation label, and scroll your mouse wheel. Move the mouse around, and you should see the label moving with your mouse.


Anyone else able to confirm this "bug"?

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Message 1 of 4

I can confirm the behavior, though I'm not sure about it being a bug. It's defnitely interpreting the mouse scroll as if you clicked on the label, thereby initiating an annotation move. Whether or not this is intended (and undocumented) behavior, I can't really say. I think NI will need to clarify this.

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Message 2 of 4

Bug? One could argue it's not a bug. But certainly falls under the category of "Unexpected Behavior". I can't imagine a UI standard that uses a "mouse-over and scroll" combination to initiate a drag.


By the way, this "bug" is really a corner case... I don't care if this particular behavior is fixed. I just want a bug report to be created in case this behavior is indicative of a more serious problem.


Thanks for confirming the behavior, Saverio.

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Message 3 of 4

Hello All,


Thank you for sharing this information. I was able to reproduce this behavior, and would agree that this behavior is unexpected. I have created an Corrective Action Request (CAR) #238010 for further investigation at the R&D level. You may use this number in conjunction with future release notes for information on the component(s) fixed. 




I found I started to enjoy the ability to quickly relocate the object, and almost would like a similar 'gesture' style tool for relocating block diagram items. Just a thought. 


Again thank you for the information, please post back any additional questions.

Patrick Corcoran
Application Engineering Specialist | Control
National Instruments

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