08-28-2012 01:17 AM
I have a VI that reads values of temperature each minute,and then this program reads that string and build and array with each value stored in a line of an array.
What I want to do is to read a certain month, day and hour . Then based on that selection display the values of that period of time (1 hour). If for example yuu choose 12:00 a.m. but theres no data of some period of time like this:
26.30789112:18 a.m.28/08/2012
32.20162012:19 a.m.28/08/2012
32.20162013:00 a.m.28/08/2012
It should fill with zeroes.
The other case should be analize it from a day and month.
I really need help :c
08-28-2012 08:25 PM
If there's only one reading per minute, you could start with a 60 element array filled with 0. Parse each line and when you find lines for the hour you want, use the minutes as the index and the replace array subset function to replace the 0 with the parsed value.