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HP4145A programming via LabView utility

I downloaded the HP4145A utility - -  and have it running. It sends the setup commands ok, no errors, no warnings. The unit goes into remote mode ok. But it just sits there. 

Can anyone tell me:

1) When the utility sets up a measurement via the GPIB are the settings reflected in the setup screen? Right now, the unit's setup screen values are not replaced by anything sent via GPIB. 

2) Is there some magic switch I'm missing to tell the unit to take settings coming in via GPIB? It appears to be ignoring the setup coming in from the bus entirely. 

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If your instrument is going into REMOTE mode, then yes, the software control should be in charge and most instruments will reflect changes from the software on their hardware display.


First thing I would check is that you actually have GPIB communicating both ways.  Open NI-MAX and in the Devices and Interfaces section you should see your GPIB interface.  Do a Scan for Instruments and then open the HP4145 section.  Use the I/O options to send the standard *IDN? query and ensure you see the proper response returned.  It should be the name of the device and maybe a serial number.


If you don't see that, you are probably missing drivers.  Check the Software section in NI-MAX to make sure you have NI-488.2 and NI-VISA.

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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