06-29-2015 10:05 AM
I'm trying to synchronise an NI 6229 DAQ board with an NI 1473 frame grabber. I'd like to send trigger signals from the NI 6229 via an RTSI cable to the frame grabber, to initiate processes in the FPGA. I have added the RTSI cable to the NI 6229, and set up a counter output task, then used an "output terminal Property node" to direct it to the RTSI0 channel. I tried to read out the state of the "RTSI0" input node in the FPGA. It seems, however, that it is constantly set (true), no matter what signal I generate with the NI 6229 on the other end of the RTSI cable. I have found quite little information about RTSI in the manuals and forums. Is there anything I'm overlooking here? Thank you in advance for any help.
07-09-2015 03:06 AM
Have you made any progress? Could you share your code in order for me to get a better picture of how you are trying to accomplish the syncronization?
I found a white paper that might be relevant for you here:
And an example that might be relevant can be found here: