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Scan From String:
Input string: %Hello

format: %%%s

Output: Hello


My Problem:

Input String: %Hello%

format: ?

Output: Hello

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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author maxnoder1995

%%%[^%] is sufficient.

%%%[^%]%% if the last % is required.


See Format Specifier Syntax


  • [ ]—Characters in set. [ ] matches a string that contains only the characters specified between the brackets. Character matches are case sensitive. The [ ] conversion code is useful only when you are scanning strings. To match the caret symbol (^) in a set, make sure it is not the first character after the bracket. The following examples demonstrate the use of the characters in set conversion code:
    • %[aeiou]—Matches any string that contains only lowercase vowels.
    • %[0-9a-zA-Z ]—Matches a string that contains numbers, letters, or spaces. You can use a hyphen to specify ranges of characters in the set.
    • %[^,;]—Matches any string of characters up to but not including the first comma or semicolon.

 If the parameter represented by Hello can also contain a %, then use "Match Pattern" or "Match Regular Expression" instead to allow backtracking.

Message 2 of 2