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Help Structure Automated Testing Project

Hi All!


I used LabVIEW a few times in university, but I am by no means well versed in programming using LabVIEW. As such, I was hoping I could ask for some assistance in structuring a program for automating the testing. Here is the way I envision the program running:


Select a product range (Range 1 or Range 2)
Select a model from the range selected (Model 1 - Model 26)
Input serial number and weight
Press "Run Test"


The program will then grab the specifications for the model selected, as well as select the value for a testing variable (amperage in this case).

The program will then retrieve measurements from a impedance tester, then export the variable mentioned above to a prewritten program where that variable is the only thing that changes. The test will run on a load tester, then a graph of the test result and the minimum voltage during the test will populate into the dashboard. Then the impedance tester will take one more measurement.


After the measurements are taken, the program will compare the measurements to the specified range retrieved above and give the test a pass or fail rating.


Last, the program will create a report based on the results and export the report with the name of the report being the serial number written in above.


Any help in describing ways for me to structure this would help! I spent a few hours just trying to set up the cascading ring menus and gave up. I settled on a single ring menu with each of the models (about 50 models) that would be used to find the desired data from an array. From there, I feel like it would be easy to use the data in the array for comparisons on the pass/fail, to call up a value for the variable, and to populate the dashboard for the report.


Thanks for any advice,



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Message 1 of 3

You should consider using TestStand instead. It is designed for your use case.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 3

@BrailleBattery wrote:

Select a product range (Range 1 or Range 2)
Select a model from the range selected (Model 1 - Model 26)
Input serial number and weight
Press "Run Test"


Any help in describing ways for me to structure this would help! I spent a few hours just trying to set up the cascading ring menus and gave up. I settled on a single ring menu with each of the models (about 50 models) that would be used to find the desired data from an array. From there, I feel like it would be easy to use the data in the array for comparisons on the pass/fail, to call up a value for the variable, and to populate the dashboard for the report.

In the Value change event of Product Range, update the Model Ring controls Strings[] property as needed.

G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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