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Help to upgrade llb from Labview 5.1 to 7.1

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Hello Guys and Girls,


I have a serial.llb working fine with labview 5.1, and I have upgraded my labview version to 7.1,  when I opened the Serial.llb using labview 7.1 to upgrade it, It open but the program delete a lot of functions making the VIs not working at all !!!!!!!!

I tried to track the errors but I got a massege like "this function in not valid any more, and have to be replaced" I have no idea how and with what i should replace these functions. 


Can someone help me to upgrade it to works with labview 7.1.


Thank you in advance, 

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Message 1 of 4
Those functions are long obsolete but should have been replaced with functions of the same name but as wrappers around VISA functions. If you open the block diagrams, you should see VISA code and they should work just fine. Exactly what kind of errors do you get? You could also just use the supported VISA functions. Each of yours has an equivalent VISA function.
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Message 2 of 4



which fucntion can replace the ( device control/status function ) !!


Please look at the attached picture .. the error is


"You have two or more RefNums wired together, but the RefNums are of different types.

Show the Context Help window to see what type of RefNum is required."



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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author Sat7
VISA Bytes at Serial Port will replace the obsolete VI you have. There are no replacements for the low level functions in that VI. As mentioned, they are obsolete and have been for many years.
Message 4 of 4