04-18-2006 12:44 PM
04-18-2006 01:18 PM
It's been several years since I did this with the same meter and mainframe, but yes, it can be done in LabVIEW and it does use VISA. A register based VXI instrument is programmed with the VISA Out 16/VISA In 16 commands. You are writing numeric information to specific memory locations. This is different than the message based instruments that you might be used to. A message based instrument is sent text commands such as *IDN?. A register based instrument is faster to program and read because it does not have to parse the string commands sent to it.
I had a look at the 7.0 driver and one thing that you should do is replace the Old VISA Open in the initialize VI. Right click on it and select replace and then pick the VISA Open on the Instrument I/O>VISA palette. Delete the string control called "instrument descriptor" and wire the visa session to the connector pane where the string control was. The Old VISA Open is not compatible with newer versions of VISA. After you've done that, try to run the initialize function all by itself. Make sure that the instrument is found in MAX and that you select it with the VISA control. If you get any errors after this, post back with the actual error code that you get.
04-19-2006 10:27 AM
07-17-2013 01:16 PM