Yes, I do have the book. It says that there are basically two kind of commands the device recognizes, list commands and program commands. Since I am not programing anything just want to receive data ,I am using list commands. Let me just type the pragraph from the book about List commands:
A list command consists of a two character mnemonic field (i.e. SS) and optional range field (i.e. 1, 36). A space may be used to separate the mnemonic and range field but it is not required. Either upper or lower case letters can be used in the mnemonic field. The optional range field may consist of a single integer (i.e. 5), a double integer (i.e. 5-15) or omitted entirely. When a souble intege
r is entered, the two integers must be separated by a hyphen or comma, and the first integer must be less than the second integer. If the optional range field is omitted, default is to the entire range of points, alarms, deviation, or ralay numbers as applicable. The model 205 output response to a valid list command is a message containing the data requested, followed by the prompt.
The following commands comprise the entire List Commmand set. Each field is enclosed in brackets [] with individual keystrokes indicated therein (i.e. [SS] means type an "S" twice). The optional range field is shown as [x-x]. Note that a comma can also be used to separate integers. A carriage return [CR] terminates all commands.
List command : SINGLE SCAN Key Entry:[SS] [x-x][CR]
single scan command basically request a single log of point data with alarm information for the point(s) specified. The model 205 responds with a log mes
sage consisting of the time field, point data fields (in ascending order), and one or two alarm fields if the point is in alarm. If the range field is omitted, this command logs all unskipped points installed in the system.