01-26-2023 12:33 PM
@Kyle97330 wrote:
You know you can just make a custom palette menu for a class, right?
1. Use the standard palette editing tools in the Tools --> Advanced --> Edit palette set to create a custom palette for your class
2. When you're doing this, make the new palette a ".mnu" file and save it in the same directory as your .lvclass file
3. Finish your palette, exit and save changes
4. Go to the class, do the right-click "Add --> File..." option, and add the new menu file
5. Go to the class properties, and on the General Settings tab, find the dropdown for "Default Palette" and choose the .mnu file in question
Now whenever you right-click that you get your custom palette instead of the premade one that has everything in it.
I didn't know you could do that either. That's good to know.
Do you happen to know how this works with child classes? Say you make a custom mnu for the parent and DON'T make a custom one for the child. Will the right-click menu act as default (showing everything for all parents and children, not ideal), or will it combine the custom parent one with the default child one (better)?
01-26-2023 01:18 PM
I'll have to give that a shot with hierarchies and after being built into PPLs