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Hii everyone!! I want to design a vi related to iir filter

1. The user  need to provide a and b coefficients  and the vi should analyze the poles and zeros and  represent zero-pole plot which also includes magnitude and phase plot.

2. After that from the poles obtained one after another pole need to be eliminated and we should analyze the zero-pole plot  of remaining poles   and zeros and  obtain its magnitude and phase response of it.

3.after that 2 poles must be eliminated following the same process. finally the  poles and zeros with highest stability should be chosen


I HAVE COMPLETED THE FIRSTSTEP .can someone help with the second and third step

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Message 1 of 3

What have you tried and where did you get stuck?


Note that there are probably easier ways to create a unit circle, right? (note that the rotation will be different, but you can correct by making the ramp from 2pi to 0, for example)







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Message 2 of 3

i..e  obtaining the zeros and poles  and magnitude and phase response .

and then  we can eliminate the poles one after other which can be done by using delete element function from array palete .Now i stuck at this point where the further analysis of remaining poles and zeros should be done and displayed on frontpanel.

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Message 3 of 3