12-12-2010 08:00 AM
Greetings Fellow Developers:
I’m working on code advancement for a client on the PC the client’s previous developer(s) used.
Unfortunately, the previous developer(s) overwrote many default library files distributed by NI in LabVIEW 2009 Full Development v9.0f3 (f3 patch installed) into the same file name and path. YIKES!!!
Sadly, the previous developer(s) also incorporated LabVIEW Professional Development library files and these may also have been changed in the same manner. Yes, that trial license for Pro has expired and those libraries are now locked.
What I’m seeking to do so that application and installer builds can become sustainable for my client is: 1) Mass compare this PC’s libraries against a fresh installation’s libraries on another PC; 2) Identify altered default libraries and individual altered library VIs; 3) Create a new "production” library with different names and paths; then 4) Correct project file sub-VI associations.
Please Colleagues; is there a LabVIEW 2009 (f3 patch) compliant tool available for me to accomplish at least part of this?
Esteemed NI Engineers: Please chip in if you know a best path to do any part this.
I’ve already advised my client that what others have done in the past is not sustainable and that a lot of effort must be expended to fix this.
Thank you in advance for your Professional Support.
Warm Regards,
12-13-2010 08:33 AM
Uff... I can feel your pain... As you suspect it's probably going to be tricky, I assume you have already backed up the project code and the the LabVIEW folder just in case.
What I would do is install a clean LabVIEW on another computer, copy the project there and first see if there are any broken VIs in the code, that gives you a first shot.
Then create a utility VI that takes a project reference to find all the VIs from the VI.lib that are used in that project and for each VI obtain [path; size; last modif date] and save it to file.
Run this utility for on both computer and compare.
Good luck!
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
12-13-2010 08:45 AM
You might try looking through the vi.lib from the OS and search for any VIs which have a file modified date later than the date of the VIs which were not modified. Use some VIs which were not used at all to learn what the original date should be.
You could probably automate this by taking a list of all the subVIs in your program and searching vi.lib only for those which were actually used.
12-13-2010 08:48 AM
Thank you TiTou:
That seems a good path to follow.
I wonder if there are any other suggestions available.