10-23-2012 02:23 AM
when i'm going to save for previous version, doesn't appear 7.0, the early is 8.0
10-23-2012 02:42 AM
I have written a small code and check it. It will help u in debugging your code.
Run the Main vi and observe the cluster indicator.
10-23-2012 03:07 AM
ok, thank you very much!! I'm trying it in my code.
10-23-2012 04:16 AM
Try running these vi. In Main.vi the cluster is updated continuously by reading value from the global variable. After going through your question,I understand you are trying to pass data from one VI to another. There are multiple techniques for sharing data among vi.
10-23-2012 04:33 AM
Thanks Tentatum! I have the 8.6 version. Could you convert the files?
Thanks in advance.
10-23-2012 05:14 AM
10-24-2012 04:32 AM
Thanks everyone, this is a great help for me.
Finally I used the option Rajashekar because i can't use other button.
But I have another question, cluster updates are done in a subVI that is inside another subVI and this is inside the main. How can do the correct reference?
as before i need the updates in the main.
10-24-2012 09:03 AM
Pass the cluster reference from inside the first subVI down to the subVI below that, just like you did from the main VI to the first subVI.
10-24-2012 09:17 AM
Definitely a bit more complex but you may want to look at passing the data updates to the UI (main.vi) using a queue, notifier or user event. Once you start getting a little deeper with where the updates need to happen passing references starts to tihtly couple your code and reduces the ability to reuse the code. I generally do not recommend using global variables either. This again couples you code and if used incorrectly can lead to race conditions.
10-24-2012 10:37 AM
@Mark_Yedinak wrote:
Definitely a bit more complex but you may want to look at passing the data updates to the UI (main.vi) using a queue, notifier or user event. Once you start getting a little deeper with where the updates need to happen passing references starts to tihtly couple your code and reduces the ability to reuse the code. I generally do not recommend using global variables either. This again couples you code and if used incorrectly can lead to race conditions.
totally yes!..after streamlining a vi i did 2 years ago by using locals, ive noticed it was getting harder and harder to debug,"like chasing my tail?" and NI likes to promote loose coupling...
have a look at the NI shipped Examples...Notifier Demultiplexer.vi and Queue Multiplexer.vi to get an idea of what mark is explaining here...