04-23-2007 01:44 AM
04-24-2007 10:10 PM
Another Try With Attachments
05-15-2007 03:03 AM
08-07-2007 09:21 PM
08-08-2007 08:38 AM
Hi ATEProject,
I haven't had very good luck working with the USB port on the MPLAB PM3 programmer. You have to be carefull to install the MPLAB software before you connect the programmer, otherwise the wrong drivers will get loaded and the USB won't work or will work very slowly. There are extensive notes in the MPLAB installation guide alerting the user to this issue. There are also instructions on what to do if inadvertently do this.
I use the serial connection, specifically com 1. You may want to try that.
Baud Rate 57,600
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control hardware
Hope this helps
10-01-2007 07:24 AM
Hi All
I am trying to change the calibration memory (0xFF) of the IC. MPLAB IDE can do that by changing at the setting tab. However, i can't find any method doing that by using PM3CMD.exe. Anyone has any idea how to do that? Thanksa lot!
10-01-2007 07:24 AM
Hi All
I am trying to change the calibration memory (0xFF) of the IC. MPLAB IDE can do that by changing at the setting tab. However, i can't find any method doing that by using PM3CMD.exe. Anyone has any idea how to do that? Thanksa lot!
10-01-2007 07:25 AM
10-02-2007 06:10 PM
I have taken a look at the information you have provided, but it isn't very specific about the big picture of what you are doing. Also, it looks like this is an entirely different issue than the chain of previous posts. I would suggest providing more information and creating a new thread with a title that specifically describes your issue. Thanks.
Jason W.
10-03-2007 07:16 AM