10-11-2009 04:21 PM
I am fairly new to using LabVIEW for image processing, hence the question. If I have an ROI (region of interest) bounded by a certain rectangle, is there any simple way to obtain the average intensity of the same ROI? (I have the ROI descriptor.) The image is an 8-bit, grayscale image.
One solution would probably be to get the averages along the X-axis using the IMAQ LinearAverages vi, and then add them up, and divide by the number of elements, et cetera. However, this seems to be a rather tedious and difficult method for doing it. Since LabVIEW has several functions for ROIs, is there a quick function that can give me the average intensity of a single ROI if it is defined?
10-12-2009 11:32 AM
Hi Mandar,
You can use the IMAQ Quantify VI to get parameters like intensity mean from a given image or its ROI. You will find this under Vision and Motion -> Image Processing -> Analysis.
10-16-2009 01:25 AM
Go through this link .. i hope this will help you..
10-26-2012 05:54 AM
how can i convert RGB image into graysclae image?please help me. and also i want to extract ROI from the grayscale image