10-22-2018 05:08 AM
IIRC - If I recall correctly. Google helps with those (pretty common) abbreviations...
10-22-2018 05:11 AM
See How Do I Connect to Ethernet Instruments with NI-VISA? for more options of the TCP\IP VISA resource.
Not sure if that's it, and it will be hard to give further advice without the hardware.
Try to (temporarily) disable the firewall. It might be blocking LabVIEW.exe (and not MAX).
10-22-2018 12:19 PM
If you are using IP addresses in the 192.168.x.x range, I suppose you are using some kind of router. Are you sure the router isn't sitting at
10-22-2018 02:52 PM
wiebe@CARYA wrote:
If you set the send end termination character to true, you shouldn't have to put it in the constant. Both do the same, so it's eiter\or not both. You probably also want to set the incoming end character.
I don't think you understood wiebe@CARYA's advice. You need to set the TermChar En to TRUE, and the Send End En to FALSE. It looks like you have them reversed.
10-22-2018 10:49 PM
Yes, This document that link I has read. And tried to change something.
This issue is still occurring.
After disable all firewall and antivirus protection.
But, In the LabVIEW this issue is still occurs.(VISA Write Error)
In The NI MAX the communication is OK.....
wiebe@CARYA 已寫:
See How Do I Connect to Ethernet Instruments with NI-VISA? for more options of the TCP\IP VISA resource.
Not sure if that's it, and it will be hard to give further advice without the hardware.
Try to (temporarily) disable the firewall. It might be blocking LabVIEW.exe (and not MAX).
10-23-2018 12:51 AM
The architecture of Ethernet connect as below:
Control PC <=====> Anrutsu MT8870A(instrument)
The control PC is direct connect to the instrument via ethernet cable.
There is not use the Router or Hub.
The IP Setting of control PC and the instrument is set the fixed IP.
The Control PC IP Address is:
The Instrument IP Address is:
Open the Windows command prompt an type "ping",
Can got the response from the instrument.
@billko 已寫:
If you are using IP addresses in the 192.168.x.x range, I suppose you are using some kind of router. Are you sure the router isn't sitting at
10-23-2018 02:22 AM
Thanks for your remind,
I had removed the error case and adjust the settings about the TermChar En to TRUE, and the Send End En to FALSE.
Then re-run this VI. The VISA Write Error message is still shows up.
Below is the trace data via control pc and instrument use NI I/O Trace:
Use LabVIEW VI (Not Work):
For Detail Trace log, please refer Capture_VISA_Write_labview.nitrace
Use NI MAX(Query response is ok):
For Detail Trace log, please refer Capture_Query_NIMAX.nitrace
@WIILE 已寫:
The architecture of Ethernet connect as below:
Control PC <=====> Anrutsu MT8870A(instrument)
The control PC is direct connect to the instrument via ethernet cable.
There is not use the Router or Hub.
The IP Setting of control PC and the instrument is set the fixed IP.The Control PC IP Address is:
The Instrument IP Address is: the Windows command prompt an type "ping",
Can got the response from the instrument.
@billko 已寫:
If you are using IP addresses in the 192.168.x.x range, I suppose you are using some kind of router. Are you sure the router isn't sitting at
10-23-2018 02:32 AM
Did you (temporarily) disable the firewall yet? It might very well block all LabVIEW TCP/IP traffic, or allow only certain ports.
10-23-2018 02:59 AM
The Windows Firewall has closed.
The antivirus SW (Kaspersky) has close all net protect and all virus protect.
wiebe@CARYA 已寫:
Did you (temporarily) disable the firewall yet? It might very well block all LabVIEW TCP/IP traffic, or allow only certain ports.
10-23-2018 03:25 AM
I'd still try to set the port in the VISA resource. When no port is specified, MAX might use a different default then LabVIEW.
Other then that, no ideas left.