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How do I manipulate LabVIEW DAQmx data?

Hi LabVIEW experts,


I have a data acquisition program in which I am able to get the voltage reading using DAQmxRead VI as standard procedure. The application is reading the data as Waveform and I am splitting the waveform components in order to get the timestamp information.




Currently, I need to add some functionalities to the application in which the split waveform channels need to be inserted into a 3D graph in order to plot 3D contour or similar. From the LabVIEW examples, I found that they are used with static points, unlike the DAQmx reading which is updated with "live" data.

I have tried connecting the LabVIEW data into 3D graph without any success.


What is the feasible solution for this? Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

hi kid_26,

  Actually you are trying to plot the FX,FY and MZ in a 3d graph .Isn't  it?Since the FX,FY and MZ are all arrays,you can effectively plot in a 3d Curve where the iinputs are X vector,Y vector and Z vector.Obviously whenever a new set of FX,FY and MZ will be there,then new set of 3d curves will be there..




Thanks and regards,



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Message 2 of 5

Hi srikrishnaNF,


Yes you are right. However, I feel that there is something to do with my acquisition rate which disrupts the display of the 3D graph. 

What is the proper rate to enable the 3D curve to display properly? Or do I need to put the 3D curve outside the loop control?





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Message 3 of 5

You only show a small portion of your VI, and I don't see what kind of acquisition rate and number of samples you are dealing with.


But what I do see is two different file functions going on in aloop with a 2 millisecond wait function.  There is no way you are going to be able to keep up a 2 ms loop rate when you have slow file operations going on inside the loop.

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Message 4 of 5

Hi Ravens Fan,


Attached is my VI for your perusal.

Kindly advise on my application. Thanks.




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Message 5 of 5