05-26-2016 03:44 AM
I want to make a Labview program, that can check the license status for the current user.
Is it possible to call the NI License Manger from Labview, and get the license status programmatically?
05-26-2016 04:14 AM
Have you tryed using System Exec to programmatically call the NI Licence Manager executables in the command line interface?
You can find the executables at <National Instruments>\Shared\License Manager\Bin\. More information on what you could use:
NI VLM Using Command Line Interface Options
NI Volume License Manager (VLM) Usage Log Tools
Best regards,
05-26-2016 04:59 AM
The Labview program shall run on the client machine (testmachine), not on the VLM server machine.
I have tried to call some of the exefiles to the local license manager [C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\License Manager\Bin] with -help, but no respons.
05-26-2016 09:27 AM
LabVIEW checks your licence status automatically every time you launch it.
We are on a VLM here and the server is actually at another facility two miles away from our facility.
If the link between facilities fails I can not launch LabVIEW because it says I have no valid licence.
06-01-2016 01:31 AM
If the link to the VLM is lost, we have 14days.
I want to use the license infomation to determine the user privileges in TestStand.
If the user have a developer license, then can the user makes changes.
If the user only have a runtime license, then can the user only execute the testsequence.
So if i can make a little labview program to get the license infomation, then can i put it in the FrontEndCallbacks in TestStand to control the user privileges.