05-26-2011 01:29 PM
@aeastet wrote:
I had to hook up the iterator to the formula node since we are no longer using the incrementor on the while loop to get the cycles. This should make it work.
This didnt seem to fix the problem it is still outputting a constant current value and holding there
05-26-2011 01:41 PM
Place a probe on the line to the 1+ that you were asking about and see if it is incrementing up. If not we will have to add a little more code to get it to do wha you want. I will be leaving in 20 minutes. FYI
05-26-2011 01:50 PM
Here is what I have doesnt seem to be incrementing
05-26-2011 02:01 PM
You need to turn on the light bulb and look at the operation. If I take all of the keithly stuff out then the program is iterating like it should. Look to see if you are getting stuck somewhere in the code. I would also look for errors.
Sorry but I have to go.
05-31-2011 06:39 AM
Did you make any progress on this?
05-31-2011 10:12 AM
Yes almost everything is working I believe that the xy graph is the only thing giving me troubles. I resolved the issue with the power supply and I believe the linear regression graph is working I just dont know where im going wrong with the xy graph.
05-31-2011 10:17 AM
What is not working about the XY graph?
05-31-2011 10:22 AM
If I assume that I know what you want here I made this change. See if this is what you need?
05-31-2011 10:49 AM
No the xy graph is still not plotting anything. Also I am trying to make it so this program can be set to run itself over and over again through cycles. Currently it just does one cycle of 25 waits for twenty seconds and then goes on collecting samples, without ramping up the power, forever.To solve the not stopping issue should I change it to a multiple of 25 instead of if iterations = 25? Is there anyway we can reset the iterations at the end of a cycle?
05-31-2011 12:05 PM
Try this