05-31-2011 01:25 PM
Nothing, the xy graph has autoscale turned on so each time a point is collected the graph rescales but still does not plot anything.
05-31-2011 01:35 PM
Instead of making the program wait twenty seconds at the 25th interval how can I make the program terminate at that time?
05-31-2011 01:45 PM
@Kenneth22 wrote:
Nothing, the xy graph has autoscale turned on so each time a point is collected the graph rescales but still does not plot anything.
You need to check and make sure that we are sending data to the graph. Place a probe before the build array in the process data loop that is running to the XY graph. If you are getting data then we will figure out why it is not plotting. Just make sure that we are actually getting data first.
05-31-2011 01:46 PM
@Kenneth22 wrote:
Instead of making the program wait twenty seconds at the 25th interval how can I make the program terminate at that time?
I thought that you wanted it to wait 20 seconds and start over again. What do you want to do. I made it so it would go 25 times then reset and start over. Is that not what you wanted to do?
05-31-2011 02:21 PM
That was the plan but now I was told to have the program end itself as the time between trials is going to be longer than we first thought. I currently just have it waiting for a large amount of time to allow the user to hit stop. The device my coworker is designing is going to be run in a furnace that has to be manually ramped up and down and therefore we would rather have the program start and stop on our command vs a timed scenario sorry for the change of plans we were unaware the furnace would not be programmable.
We are going to have a device that measures voltages and applies current to a local sample and all of that is going to be inside the furnace. we are going to conduct tests at different temps.
05-31-2011 02:23 PM
So would you rather have a button that you could push that would start a new test? I am assuming that you do not want the software to stop running you just want to stop taking data until the system is ready to go correct?
Did you figure out if you are getting data to the XY graph?
05-31-2011 02:29 PM
Yes that would be ideal actually. No where is the probe you are talking about located? I guess im not sure what you mean.
05-31-2011 02:34 PM
Right click on the wire leading to the build and you should see an option to probe. This will pop open a window that should show you the value each time the loop is exicuted. Let me know if you are seeing data there for the x and y values.
05-31-2011 02:44 PM
I used multiple probes which are really convenient, and going into the build array is the array and the element (x and y? or y and x im not sure) but the array stays constant on the left side of the build array (X) and the element(Y) changes as readings are taken. On the other side of the build array there is just one constant value put out for both x and y.
05-31-2011 02:50 PM
Here is a new version with a start button to restart taking data when you want to. I think I have all of the logic correct but I do not have a way to test it so you will have to be patient if I didn't
Do you expect to get different valuest to the XY graph each time or is it going to be the same value? If it is going to be the same value then the XY graph is not the way to go. You will need a waveform graph or chart to plot this data. What do you expect to see on the XY graph?