06-08-2001 10:18 AM
06-08-2001 12:01 PM
LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW
06-08-2001 12:04 PM
04-07-2016 12:18 PM
Hi Dennis, I'm unable to to display the Snellen truetype fonts using this function. It is the font used to make eye charts, library attached. The font displays in Word, and curiously in the string control box but not the picture indicator.
The font only applies to a few characters, when capitalised.
I've attached a screenshot in case there are any peculiarities with system fonts.
Any ideas?!
Many thanks
04-07-2016 12:23 PM
Forget that! It's "Optotypes" not "Optotype". Perhaps NI could add a drop-down list.