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How interface keithley 230 programmable voltage source on a circuit containing Optical spectrum analyser and Tunable laser source.

@arwc wrote:

I switched over the commands to VISA commands as stated and I recieve no errors, but nothing actually happens. The Keithley 230 doesn't actually set to the new voltage point. Any thoughts???

This is an old thread but I'll make a few comments on your JPG picture (next time please attach the actual VI not a picture).


DON'T use the "Format Value" to build your command. It doesn't do what you want. Instead use "Format Into String". Read the help file for the two functions and see how they differ.


You should use a "VISA Open" prior to the FOR LOOP, and then a "VISA Close" after exiting the loop.


I never programmed this piece of equipment. But looking at the manual, it seems like the commands DO NOT have a semicolon separating the individual commands. They are concatenated. The final Command String should look something like "D0V4I3W1X"

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