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How to I clear "The VI expected to be at" warning?

I'm using LV 8.2 with WinXP Pro.  Last December I created a project called 3PS DAQ2860 and then later I created a project called 3PS AMS1 and some others.  When I opened 3PS DAQ2860 I get several warnings that VI's were opened from 3PS AMS1.  There are sub-VI's with the same names for the two projects but many of them are different.  I know that the sub-VI's that 3PS DAQ2860 need are in the folder.  I tried to set the VI Search Path but it doesn't seem to help.  Please see the attached screen shots.  I'd simply fix it if there were just a couple of sub-VI's to relink.  However, I'd like to better understand what is happening.  How do I tell the system to get all sub-VI's and controls from the appropriate folder?
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"dj143" <> wrote in message
I'm using LV 8.2 with WinXP Pro.&nbsp; Last December I created a project called 3PS DAQ2860 and then later I created a project called 3PS AMS1 and some others.&nbsp; When I opened 3PS DAQ2860 I get several warnings that VI's were opened from 3PS AMS1.&nbsp; There are sub-VI's with the same names for the two&nbsp;projects&nbsp;but many of them are different.&nbsp; I know that the sub-VI's that 3PS DAQ2860 need are in the folder.&nbsp; I tried to set the VI Search Path but it doesn't seem to help.&nbsp; Please see the attached screen shots.&nbsp; I'd simply fix it if there were just a couple of sub-VI's to relink.&nbsp; However, I'd like to better understand what is happening.&nbsp; How do I tell the system to get all sub-VI's and controls from the appropriate folder?


When you save the main VI, it remembers the locations of it's sub vi's. When you restart the main, LabVIEW searches for the sub vi's in the main's subdirectory first, then the user lib directory (, perhaps some other directories), and the search paths. When no matching sub vi is found, it looks at the last location that was stored. But when it does find a matching sub vi, you get the warning.

The warning is actually intended as a notice that the program might be using totally different files then you might expect.

I don't think you can turn it off.


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I need the system find the correct sub-vi's.  Apparently I cannot have more than one project located in the computer or I have to ensure that all sub-VI's are given a unique name.  This doesn't seem right.  I don't recall having this problem prior to using projects.  I have a feeling that I'm misunderstanding something.  Please help...



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I think labview has always had trouble when you have multiple VIs with the same name.  With >= 8.0 you can avoid this using project libraries (.lvlib s)

Try making a project library for each project, and make sure that all of the VIs in each project are part of the library.  After you do that, you can use the VI heirarchy to make sure that each project is using the right VIs, and then labview should be able to keep it straight.

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In eralier versions of LV there was the possibility that you could get cross linking issue were LV find a VI of the right name and icon connector but not were you think it should find it.

The message you are seeing is a helpful warning that tells you that the VI's listed were loaded from a place other than were it was found the last time you opened the VI.

This will happen when you copy a folder of the app to a new location and then open it from the new location.

It is easy to fix.


look very closely at the warning message and make sure the VI's listed are indeed the one you want to be opened. If that is OK proceed.

Then do a "save all" and this should save all of the callers now pointing at the correct location.

Another method that avoids the message in the first place is to use a "Source Distribution" to get a copy of the project with all of the VI's saved with the new target folder spec.


Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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