09-24-2013 01:06 AM
Hi all,
I unable to figure out how to calculate the cross power spectral density(cpsd) in labview ??? I'm able to calculate crosspower by using
Cross Spectrum (Real-Im).VI but i need cpsd using labveiw functions.
i know that, we can get that through script node function cpsd(x,y) but i shouldn't use that it is my functional requirement.
And one more, Is this right?? psd=power spectrum/ df. where df is frequency resolution.
could any one please help me...
Thanks and regards
10-15-2013 01:24 AM
Hi girikavali,
does this help you? cross power spectral density and Analyzing Two Input Signals Using the Cross Power Spectrum VI.
Note: The "cross power spectral density" should mean the same as "cross power spectrum", says Wikipedia - CPS/CPSD.
The term "density" seems correct to me, because it is devided by the number of the points, see Cross Power Spectrum. If this is not the case, then please supply a mathematical definition, so one could know.