02-28-2023 12:05 AM
Hi Sir,
Okay, i see, because the USB-8452 is higher as ~3000usd.
Let me check this FT232H tool.
02-28-2023 01:43 AM
Where did you get that 3000$ US value from? The price in Euro is around 1000, and that is already with a significant markup to the domestic US price.
If NI would start asking such prices I guess it gets time to sell our own version of it.
02-28-2023 01:50 AM
I have checked via taobao, it is around 16000RMB.
I have searched some solutions, another possbility is that Labview LINX + arduino.
The LINX tool has I2C, SPI interface, I guess it uses arduino to communicate with I2C directly.
This looks much cheaper, not sure someone tried this.
02-28-2023 01:54 AM
Hi Brzhou,
@Brzhou wrote:I have searched some solutions, another possbility is that Labview LINX + arduino.
Skip that LINX from this sentence!
Do the SPI/I²C between your sensor and the Arduino using any of those available code libraries for Arduino.
Then just do serial communication between Arduino and your (LabVIEW) computer…
02-28-2023 02:01 AM
Hi GerdW,
Understand the point.
Need some library or say driver to convert my serial port commands to i2c commands.
But I am not familiar to generate those kind of driver, that is the reason i search a mature solution.