05-14-2021 11:13 PM
It's been awhile since I've used LabView and I've been tasked to move a P8 Micro Linear Stepper Actuator in their step size increments with the help of a Tic T825 Stepper Motor Controller and Arduino Uno. Can anyone provide suggestions on how to code it using Linx? Is it even possible? Can I use a code similar to a DC motor? The data sheet for the actuator is provided below.
P8 Micro Linear Stepper Actuator Datasheet
Tic T825 Stepper Motor Controller
05-31-2021 03:53 PM
I got the actuators to move on the Tic Control Software. So that means the actuators will be able to move with the Tic. The code I made recognizes the Tic. But connecting it's not having any effect on controlling the actuators. I've used a code similar to the one listed below to control servo motors. Judging from my code, any suggestions on what type of array I can send to the Byte Array to String? Any help would be appreciated.
06-01-2021 02:23 PM
Hi EHBio,
@EHBio wrote:
Judging from my code, any suggestions on what type of array I can send to the Byte Array to String?
Are you sure your motor controller expects single bytes as commands?
Did you read the manual of that "Tic" driver?