09-18-2014 06:06 AM
Hi All,
I am trying to get which channel (1 or 2 or 3 or 4) is selected in Oscilloscope?
I tried to get the View property of the channels like below:
app.Acquisition.C1.View // but there can be multiple channels whose view property is also true.
My problem is there can be more than 1 channels whose view property is also True (depend on if you toggle the channel or not). So I am unable to identify which channel is selected . (Here selected means - light on)
Thanks in Advance
09-18-2014 06:25 AM
i am currently a little confused, sorry about that. But maybe you can help me:
What has a LeCroy oscilloscope to do with NI?
What has VBS (usually the abbrevation for Visual Basic Script) to do with NI LabVIEW?
I think you took the wrong forums. Maybe, a Microsoft or a LeCroy forum is more suited for your question.....
09-18-2014 06:26 AM