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How to fix sample rate

I am a complete beginner to LabView but have been tasked with designing a way to sample the force on a specimen Vs time and output the results to excel. I have an existing file, but I want to change the timer and number of samples the code is outputting. I have tried changing the sampling rate and samples to read in the DAQ assistant, as well as the data capture interval but am still having issues. I found out if I change the data capture rate to ~0.000625 the timer is correct but I don't know how to reduce the number of samples taken. 10 samples per second for a test length of 30 minutes is what I am aiming for. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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When you configured the Dreaded DAQ Assistant (or DDA), you asked it to sample at 1 kHz.  If you want 10 Hz, you have to specify 10 Hz.  How many samples at a time do you want?  100 samples will give you (at 10 Hz) one Chart update every 10 seconds.


Open your code.  Double-click the DDA and configure it correctly.


Bob Schor

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