09-12-2013 08:15 AM
Dear all,
I was configuring my sbRIO 9636 using NI Hardware Setup wizard. After correctly configuring my PC's IP address and targets address, the wizard keeps on showing the error below.
I am running LV 2012 with LV-FPGA and LV- Real Time Module ( both 2012 version ). The target is connected directly to my PC so had to use manual IP settings. Need help.
09-12-2013 09:00 AM
You are probably missing something in your LabVIEW installation.
It could be old firmware, or something else. You can always follw the directions at the bottom, and contact National Instruments Support (not this forum, but the phone support).
09-12-2013 09:48 AM
I have every module installed. This whole thing was working a month ago but I don't know what happened suddenly.
09-13-2013 10:52 AM
Hi NapDynamite
Can you see the sb-RIO on MAX?
What did you install first LabVIEW or the drivers?
Could you attach a technical report to check the software and drivers that you have installed on your computer?
Esteban R.
09-13-2013 10:55 AM
Hi NapDynamite
Which software are you trying to install on the sb-RIO? Or which is the setup for the sb-RIO that you are using?
Esteban R.
09-13-2013 01:36 PM
The wizard uses NI System Configuration to do the actual installation. I would suggest trying to upgrade to 5.5.
09-14-2013 05:39 AM
I was configuring it using the Robotics Wizard. But when I tried the actual Eval Setup ( the Evaluation Version of LabVIEW which came along with this sbRIO evaluation kit ), it worked.
02-11-2015 12:04 PM
I would like to know, how to solve this problem I'm working with LV 2013 and I have all of those modules, and i don't know what else can i do.
02-18-2015 11:32 AM
Hi koziak92,
Are you receiving the same error as the original post? What steps have you tried so far?
I recommend creating a post on the Real-Time Measurement and Control board for questions about our RIO products. Creating a new post and on the corect board helps ensure the most visibility for your question and makes it more likely that someone with relevent experience will see the post.
Real-Time Measurement and Control: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Real-Time-Measurement-and/bd-p/280