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How to implement Adaptive Pixel Difference reversible data hiding technique in LABVIEW?

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Basically I'm trying to implement steganography using Adaptive Pixel Difference which is a reversible data hiding technique. I'm almost done with image to array conversion but there is problem in getting pixel diffrence function of Type-1 in Data embedding process.

I have attached VI files. Kindly, guide me to implement further steps.

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Message 1 of 6

Your VI's just seem to be reading image files and extracting some pixel data.  I don't see where you have even attempted to implement anything.

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Message 2 of 6



 That is a pretty interesting application you are trying to build. Do let us know once you attempt to perform processing on the extracted array. I see you have already added a Mathscript node. You can try to fill some algorithm in this ( based on the paper you have attached) or you could try to use some inbuilt LabVIEW functions. 


-Suraj Pawar

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 3 of 6

I have implemented the pixel diffrence function of image, and found out the diffrence value array of image pixel matrix. Also I have plotted the histogram of diffrence value array. Smiley Happy

But I'm getting the peak point of transform image lesser than the normal image so is this histogram of diffrence value array correct?

How to find zero point (ZP) and peak point(PP) from that histogram automatically i.e; without using cursor?

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Message 4 of 6

I have attached the reference paper also.

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author shraddhamarbhal

That blue dynamic datatype wire is hiding that the actual data within it is a waveform.  Use the From DDT Express VI to convert that blue wire to a waveform.


The waveform is a special cluster that contains a t0 dT and a Y array of points.  In this case t0 is the zeroth bin of the histogram, dT is the spacing between bins,  and the Y array is the quantity in each of the bins.  Use Get Waveform Components to break out the Y array.  Use Array Max/Min to find the max and min. Or search the array for zeroes.


Message 6 of 6