03-01-2013 02:08 PM
Hello everybody,
i'm new with Ni-Labview,
i'm trying to make a .exe file of my application, this is working perfect, but if i make costum scales in my Daq Assist options and i make the vi in a .Exe then there are always errors if i open it on another computer... if i put every Daq Assist box to the ''no scale'' option, then the exe is working on another computer...
it is working good on the computer where i build the vi on...
but of coarse i'm not planning to put the hole software (labview) on that other computer... that's where the .exe file is for i guess...
i have 1 Daq Assist that is programmed with a scale that converts 0-5 volts to 0-3000(rpm) this is a output voltage
and the other daq assist box is programmed with a scale that 0-1volts is 0-3000(rpm) this is a input voltage
everything is working like i want it to work on my computer where i build the application, but if i make a .exe file of it, including all the Daq Mx drivers and so on then this file is not working.... so i made a error box at the end of the daq assist to see what is happening and if i open it then on another computer then it tould me that there where errors with the scaling i made... but i don't see the problem????
is anyone having this problem also? or maybe i do something wrong???? i really don't know how to solve this problem... and it should not be that hard,... i'm sure of it....
hope someone could help me....
i use a Ni-USB 6211
thanks for reading this and hope to hear something soon!
Kind Regars,
03-01-2013 08:07 PM
03-03-2013 06:50 AM
hello there everybody,
dennis told me to put reply's in the thread, i'm sorry that i did't, ... i understand that this is better for other people with the same problem to find out quicker...
i have found that the scale's are saved in MAX
i'm gonna try your suggestion of saving the project with hardware config....
i will post later if it worked out!!
Thanks man!
kind Regards
03-05-2013 07:10 AM
Hello KV,
Everything ok now?
03-05-2013 04:33 PM
03-06-2013 03:31 AM
Thanks for letting me know!
If anything pops up, then just let us know!
03-06-2013 12:20 PM
Hello There,
i have one more question that i can't figure out....
i have a vi in attachment that you can open hopefully....
in the block diagram you see 1 Dial, this is the left dial in the screen... now this is the setpoint of the PID regulator..
what i want is a Analog input to be the Setpoint of the PID Regulator Also... i prefer to have little button or something so i can choose what i use , or the Dial on the computer(with the mouse) Or a Analog input from external device 0-10V input
i have try'd a lot of things but the only thing that is everytime popping up:
Possible reason(s):
NI Platform Services: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.
i can't solve it..... is there anybody who have an idea how to put things straight and working?
Kind Regards,
03-07-2013 02:27 AM
Hello KV001,
This should for sure be possible.
I can open the VI, but one thing is unclear:
Which Analog Input do you want to use as setpoint for the PID?
Is it the one that's currently read out through the DAQ Assistant?
The simplest idea I have is just to use the "select" node to allow you to switch between a manual and an automatic mode.
Another question:
Which loop period should you obtain?
03-07-2013 08:07 AM
Hello ThiCop,
I don't put the daq assist in yet... i have to do the same daq assist box and then i want to have the orange Dial that is connected to the Setpoint now to be still connected, but also the new daq assist box need to be connected some how....
i don't understand what you mean with a select node??
also the loop period ?
could you please make me an example with 1 more Daq assist box and then how you should connect it so it should work? then i can try it out realtime here with my Usb 6211
Thanks for helping!
Kind Regards
03-07-2013 09:19 AM
Hello KV,
Let me rephrase the questions:
- Which analog input channel should be used for defining the setpoint?
Is this AI0, AI1, ... ?
- The select node is a simple "block" in LabVIEW that allows you to select between two different values of any type dependent on the state of a boolean input (true or false).
- Loop period: How fast should your loop be executed?