10-22-2013 06:01 AM
I'd like to know how to modify the Xcontrol that National Instruments made?
For instance, with the Sound and Vibration toolkit, you get those nice colormap and spectral map Xcontrol. If I right click the Xcontrol and select advanced=> Show diagram, I can see the block diagram but I can't make any modification. Is it possible to modify those Xcontrol?
Best regards,
10-22-2013 06:57 AM
first and foremost:
NEVER change the components installed by NI Installers directly!
Before starting to modify anything, please make sure that you do the following:
10-22-2013 07:21 AM
Hi Norbert_B,
Unfortunately the Xcontrols are password-protected.....;(
Pfff i just want to add a "bring cursor to center" right click menu!
10-22-2013 07:26 AM
the XControl is protected as long as you use it.
At least on my machine, the XControl is editable if there is no "user" vi in memory.
10-22-2013 10:54 AM - edited 10-22-2013 11:02 AM
Did you plan to move (or add) the active cursor to center? I noticed that the current order/frequency does not move when I invoke the 'Bring to Center' from the cursor legend. You may want to respond to that as well if you are implementing this feature for your customers.
Modify your copy of the XControl. Specifically, edit your copy of the following VI:
<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\_XControls\Colormap\subVIs\svx_Colormap Facade.vi
Make your edits in the "Colormap": Shortcut Menu Activation? and "Colormap":Shortcut Menu Selection.vi events.
The facade VI is not password protected. You do have to make sure that the XControl is not running in order to make edits to the facade VI. The XControl is running if the XControl is present on any front panel of a VI in memory.
Post back with your results. Perhaps this extension can be added to the Sound and Vibration Colormap XControl in a future release.