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How to pass a cluster of data from one VI to another

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Hi all,


I've got a cluster of controls on my main application VI that I am using to accept data of various types from the user.Next I want to pass this cluster to the input cluster control of another VI perfectly on the generation of a user event. That is, if I have 3 numbers, 2 strings and 2 time stamps in the cluster on the main VI, I want to pass on that exact same data to the control input cluster of the second VI in the same sequence, having the same values.


How do I do this?


Here is a snapshot showing the cluster controls on my main VI and the code for my second VI.






I want to pass the data into the input cluster 'data'. I tried calling the second VI into my main VI and directly hardwiring the cluster and then using an 'Unbundle by Name function' to separate the data, as shown. But this doesn't seem to work properly.





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Message 1 of 8

I tried calling the second VI into my main VI and directly hardwiring the cluster and then using an 'Unbundle by Name function' to separate the data, as shown. But this doesn't seem to work properly.
Why is it not working? Is the order mixed up? you use abundle array and input individual values to the cluster.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8
Accepted by topic author tdog

The 2 clusters much be identical, then it should work smoothly. To ensure that they are, make a type-def of the cluster and use for both. From what i can see of your code it's clean and correct and it really shouldn't cause a hassle. What's (not) happening?



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Qestit Systems
Message 3 of 8
You state your approach "doesn't seem to work properly". That's a bit vague. To be sure, you can put a probe on the wire after the data cluster terminal. The probe should reflect what comes out from the first vi. Next you could put a probe on the wire that holds the database string (after the Format Into String function you use). Is that the string it should have been?
Bart Boshuizen,
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Thanks for your suggestion, Yamaeda. Using a type-def did the trick.


Cheers and thanks to all.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

this is an ancient post; I think you have already solved this issue. use the below method cluster or whatever you can pass data




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Himasha,


can you explain your example?


  • Why did you use (lossy!) queues limited to one element? Why don't you use notifiers?
  • Why don't you use one cluster instead of 3 separate queues for 3 elements?
  • Why do you need to preview all those queues in two different loops?
  • Why do you think it's a good idea to show your example in this VERY old thread?
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hi Knight of NI,


Yes you can use Cluster

this is the only example I had

below is another one like that


this is should be very old thread but someone can learn by seeing this



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Message 8 of 8