03-05-2019 03:27 PM
I have downloaded the labview drivers for conex-cc, but I cannot run it. When I run the program of absolute move or execute started move, there is no error reported but the stage doesn't rotate.
Do I need to run run several programs at the same time or do some work previously? How can I make the stage rotate by the labview driver?
03-06-2019 04:25 PM
Hi Hanxiang,
What version of LabVIEW are you using?
Since NI doesn't provide the driver, it might be best to ask Newport for information about its use.
03-06-2019 05:04 PM
Can you post a screenshot of the code that doesn't produce an error but also doesn't work? Posting the VI would be even better. Posting both would be the best.
02-27-2020 05:30 AM
Were you able to make it work. I have same issue, i can make motor rotate with Newport GUI but not with programming.
02-27-2020 05:41 AM
here is screenshot of code that doesn't produce error but moto does not move. Any help with be appreciated.
02-27-2020 08:54 AM
That screenshot you posted sure doesn't look like LabVIEW.
Did you post in the correct forum?
02-27-2020 11:28 AM
It's labwindow/cvi. it was only place i found that people had similar issue as me. Anyway, did anybody figure out why it does not move?
02-27-2020 11:39 AM
It looks like you're trying to initialize a NSR1 according to the comments. Is that true?
The NSR1 only comes with the option to use a CONEX-PP RS422 controller, and it's hardcoded to use 115200 baud and not to use flow control. You're currently using 9600 and have selected RTS/CTS flow control. So that's the most likely thing that I can see.
02-27-2020 11:53 AM
Thanks, that worked.